Saturday, June 19, 2010

Found and Lost

In every building or office I enter, I find myself scanning the place for artwork. I notice paintings on the wall and find myself attempting to decipher what the artist wants to portray. I also challenge myself by guessing the art movement that the work was created in.

For some reason, I have always been a fan of abstract work and thinking because there is a certain mystery to it. When I stumble upon abstract work, I pay close attention to color, shape and lines and do the unthinkable--try to solve the mystery. Much to my affliction, I walk away unsuccessful but somewhat satisfied with the fact that I tried to solve a mystery. Time after time, I knowingly repeat this behavior and it doesn't bother me one bit.

Off record for a second--here is one of my favorite paintings from Project 3

P.S. A little food for thought...
"The moment you think you understand a great work of art, it's dead for you."
Oscar Wilde

With that said, cheers to confusion and unsolved mysteries!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Project 2

First and Foremost --Adobe Illustrator!

This program frustrated me soo much. I was able to manipulate a couple of my drawings but by the time I got to my last one, my hand was permanently curved to the shape of the mouse from sitting in front of the computer soo long lol.

However, the more practice I have with it, the ease of using the program would come eventually. The one aspect of this project I enjoyed the most was reverting back to art lessons learned in high school about scale and training the eye to draw exactly what is observed. If I could do this project again, I would select a different object to draw that had a little more interest and flair to it.

P.S. By the way, its a wrench.

Friday, June 4, 2010

My FiRsT Blog EVER!

HEYY Everyone!! =]

This is my first BLOG of my entire existence. I've heard just about everything there is to hear about them, I just never took the initiative to start one.

CAT 111 is my first class at AACC, and I'm taking it in order to graduate on time from Bethune-Cookman University in Daytona Beach, FL. (Class of 2011 WOOHOOO)

This is enough for now, Enjoy!