Thursday, July 15, 2010

Project 5

It didnt really turn into the Cabana style restaurant I originally imagined, but it mocks what I drafted earlier this week.
Its still placed in the tropics off in the Bahamas somewhere so thats good enough. I found this program easy to work with at times, but required some patience at other times. All in all, when I get some free time, I want to manipulate and see what else I can come up with and hopefully get the cabana style I aimed for.

Project 3

I know its late but here's the link for Project 3 which was the Presentation on an art movement. I selected the Harlem Renaissance.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Project 4 Video

Okay everyone, Here it is--"Four Letters" created by yours truly!

I made this with the help of my most favorite bible verse in the world: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

YouTube link:

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Building Blocks

The BIG Finale!

Project 5 is now underway, and Im pretty hopeful about this project--I've never used a 3D design program before and excitement has set in. I decided to draw a building and turn it into a restaurant that I will place in the tropical islands somewhere. Before I began my sketch, I conducted some research on architecture and actually had some help from my little sister who is thinking about pursuing a career in architecture. I searched through futuristic designs and contemporary ones as well. I like height but didnt really think it would be realistic for a restaurant in the islands. With that said, I went the route of a two-story medium sized building with a cabana-style outside but it will be closed in. Look out for the final product!

P.S. Designing gives you full contol of what you desire, as long as it can withstand the environment its placed in.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"...And Cut!"

I just finished Project 4! Now the hard part about it is uploading it! The file size of the projects can give me a headache here and there but I find a way to maneuver around it.

Project 4 was a breeze to me because I have background in video editing and camera seeing that it is a part of mass communications (television). Amid the many video editing programs out there, they are all pretty much the same.. just different interfaces.

The video I created was based off of my favorite bible verse, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. I thought it would be fairly simple assigning each clause with a visual opposite of what the clause states. The most time consuming part of the project, for me, was finding video that depicted what I wanted. I enjoy editing because I am a perfectionist (in a good way) and I believe that detail is always key!!

P.S. Pay attention to detail--It is very very important. It can make or break anything!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Movie Making

As I progress through this course and maneuver my way through the digital design programs, I find myself more attentive to visual aspects of everyday life, be it a television show or an art craft that I work on with the kids in my daycamp.
In the movies I watch, I take note of the way scenes are put together, transitions used and the layout of the audio if any. With my background in video shooting and editing, I know that these are important components for a video because directors want to ensure that the audience recieves the intended message. Execution of the idea and placing the pieces together in a coherent manner is essentially the craft of video.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Found and Lost

In every building or office I enter, I find myself scanning the place for artwork. I notice paintings on the wall and find myself attempting to decipher what the artist wants to portray. I also challenge myself by guessing the art movement that the work was created in.

For some reason, I have always been a fan of abstract work and thinking because there is a certain mystery to it. When I stumble upon abstract work, I pay close attention to color, shape and lines and do the unthinkable--try to solve the mystery. Much to my affliction, I walk away unsuccessful but somewhat satisfied with the fact that I tried to solve a mystery. Time after time, I knowingly repeat this behavior and it doesn't bother me one bit.

Off record for a second--here is one of my favorite paintings from Project 3

P.S. A little food for thought...
"The moment you think you understand a great work of art, it's dead for you."
Oscar Wilde

With that said, cheers to confusion and unsolved mysteries!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Project 2

First and Foremost --Adobe Illustrator!

This program frustrated me soo much. I was able to manipulate a couple of my drawings but by the time I got to my last one, my hand was permanently curved to the shape of the mouse from sitting in front of the computer soo long lol.

However, the more practice I have with it, the ease of using the program would come eventually. The one aspect of this project I enjoyed the most was reverting back to art lessons learned in high school about scale and training the eye to draw exactly what is observed. If I could do this project again, I would select a different object to draw that had a little more interest and flair to it.

P.S. By the way, its a wrench.

Friday, June 4, 2010

My FiRsT Blog EVER!

HEYY Everyone!! =]

This is my first BLOG of my entire existence. I've heard just about everything there is to hear about them, I just never took the initiative to start one.

CAT 111 is my first class at AACC, and I'm taking it in order to graduate on time from Bethune-Cookman University in Daytona Beach, FL. (Class of 2011 WOOHOOO)

This is enough for now, Enjoy!