Saturday, July 10, 2010

Building Blocks

The BIG Finale!

Project 5 is now underway, and Im pretty hopeful about this project--I've never used a 3D design program before and excitement has set in. I decided to draw a building and turn it into a restaurant that I will place in the tropical islands somewhere. Before I began my sketch, I conducted some research on architecture and actually had some help from my little sister who is thinking about pursuing a career in architecture. I searched through futuristic designs and contemporary ones as well. I like height but didnt really think it would be realistic for a restaurant in the islands. With that said, I went the route of a two-story medium sized building with a cabana-style outside but it will be closed in. Look out for the final product!

P.S. Designing gives you full contol of what you desire, as long as it can withstand the environment its placed in.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see it! I'm working on mine right now too and I keep getting stupid extraneous lines. BUT, all in all, it's kinda fun!
